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What is Pirate Racing?

Pirate Racing is a form of street riding where you, the rider,
are concerned only with the wheels below you and their continued travel.

You must do whatever it takes to move through and beyond traffic.
A bike being passed is a bike waiting to be wiped out !

DO NOT FOOL YOURSELF--Cars and trucks do not care about you, and they probably don't even see you!
Only officers of the law watch out for you, ticket book in hand.

It is not aggressive riding, but assertive riding, that we promote as a form of self-defense.

To be a member of Pirate Racing you must only Ride Alive!
(it's OK if you break a few laws in the process)

Here in Texas we have many laws that require bending: Inspections, tags, and insurance are the most annoying. Then you have the various traffic laws dealing with speed, acceleration, white line riding, drag racing, shoulder passes, passing cars while they are passing other cars, hidden license plates, muffler noise, and those nasty traffic lights that fail to trigger from the weight of a bike...

All of these can be and are broken by members of Pirate Racing,
usually not all at once, but-well nevermind that

A good time and place to catch these and other extreme riders in Dallas Texas is Saturday nights just before midnight at the Whataburger on Northwest highway/Loop 12 a little west of 35E - Always an adrenaline rush for the riders and fans! Lots bikes, babes, high speed action, wheelies, drag racing, etc!

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